7:04 PM, Saturday, September 27, 2008
Pink and LOVE.

Picture of the DAY:

^^ Click!

My sister used her good talent and combined just a peek of the quality time my niece and I share.

I just found it really unfortunate when you delete your Google account and everything you used it for..such as blogger, there is no way to log back in. Sucks :(

I decided to get another blog mainly so I could go Pink for October! Breast Cancer month is my favorite and I absolutely love do do anything I can! I am so stoked to be able to do the Boobie-thon this month! Every October, people send in pictures of their "boobies" to express their support for Breast Cancer. They have raised about 40,000 dollars to date, and the founder is amazingly from where I live, Oklahoma! Love you, Robyn!

My birthday is the 14th as well, and I can't believe how old I am getting. Age is such a fun thing to talk about.

Honestly, even though no one really knew this, it was difficult being a teenage blogger. Especially when people told me I was older cognitive wise, but that didn't really seem to matter because of my real "age". I was put into such a classification of today's "teenagers". I hated it so much but I did meet many blessings along the way and I don't think I would change much about it, as contradicting as that sounds. :)

I started my 2nd semester of college this August, and it has been so much more stressful than last semester. I have had some brief crying fits, mainly due to the fact my grades aren't what I was hoping for. It is not a matter of not studying, I have so much motivation to do well, it's just the gift of test taking that I was NOT given.


Those of steadfast mind you keep in peace—because they trust in you. Trust in the Lord forever, for in the Lord God you have an everlasting rock. (Isaiah 26: 3-4)

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The Blogger

[twenty-one yrs young, blogging on and off since 2002, loves photography, God,friends, photoshop, strawberry poptarts, designer, life.]

hi I'm mollie & in my spare time i like to draw hearts. i enjoy the simple things in life and feel i deserve the best just like everyone else. i have not found "the one" yet, but when i do, it will be worth the wait and everything i've learned so far. i have no regrets.

Feeling: The current mood of mollieduvall at www.imood.com

I have faith. Faith in our wondrous capacity for hope and good, love & trust, healing & forgiveness. Faith in the blessing of our infinite ability to wonder, pray, feel & think. I have faith. Faith in the infinite possibilities of the human spirit.- Starbucks Cup

"Don't you Judge Me. Don't you dare. One day I know I'll sit before a just God. Will you be there? Or will your false, your short sighted views hold you back from real truth? All your views leave you hostage, from love, from the real truth. Held Hostage! Don't point your finger like I'm the fake, You let me in this room-that was your first mistake. You've got nothing. It's okay. I was there once so don't point the finger like I'm the fake- you let us in and that was your last mistake. Follow Me. It might be your last "mistake" -Blame it on the Holy Rollers
-Blogger Profile


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